
Energy Dependence Forum

Hi all! Below is information for a forum on Oil Dependency hosted by BU today from 5 to 8, sorry it's short notice!

A policy forum co-hosted by: Boston University Center for Energy and Environmental Studies • Environment America • Conservation Law Foundation • ENE (Environment Northeast) • Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) • Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) • PennFuture •The Union of Concerned Scientists

Tuesday November 30, 2010
College of Communication, Boston University
Room 101
640 Commonwealth Avenue
5:00-8:00 PM


5:00 - 5:30 Networking & Refreshments

5:30 - 5:35 Welcome and Introduction: Rob Sargent, Environment America

5:35 - 6:00 Keynote Address: Randy Udall, ASPO-USA, energy analyst and sustainable energy activist

6:00 - 6:45 Panel Discussion: The Case for Getting off of Oil
Special Welcome/Moderator: Berl Hartman, E2
1) The Folly of Energy Independence -> Cutler Cleveland, Boston University
2)    National security -> John Gensler, Truman Security Project
3)    The environmental consequences of oil in the 21st century -> Dan Gatti, Environment America

6:45 - 7:00 Break

7:00 - 7:55 Panel Discussion: The Policies that Will Get Us There
Moderator: Luke Tonachel, NRDC 
1)    Taking Advantage of More Efficient Technologies -> Luke Tonachel, NRDC
2)    Creating Incentive-based Fuel Policies -> Jeremy McDiarmid, ENE
3)    Developing Clean, Low-Carbon Biofuels –> Jeremy Martin, UCS
4)    The Intersection of Transportation, Land Use Planning and Climate -> Rafael Mares, CLF

7:55 - 8:00 Wrap Up: Sue Reid, Conservation Law Foundation


Meeting changed to Wednesday at 7- events this week!

Hi everybody,

As the semester winds down I hope you'll join us for our last few meetings.  This week's meeting has been moved to Wednesday night at 7pm in the CEES lounge (CAS 442).  We will be composing a universal proposal to present to other student groups that have money to help us out with our campaign and hearing from the director of dining services about a town hall meeting coming up in the next two weeks.

Events this week:

Wednesday: Geography dept. Tea @ 2 in CEES lounge. water taste test!
                    Volunteers for tabling and conducting the taste test are greatly appreciated.
                     If this goes well we may gain a lot of support from the department.

Thursday: Screening of "Food Inc"- 6:30 pm in Kenmore Classroom Building

Friday: Outing Club's Enviroganza (we will be tabling)- 11am-4pm at GSU plaza

Hope to see you all on Wednesday evening.


Meeting Minutes 11/11

Hello ESO-ers!

For last night's meeting:

We made final decisions about facts to use for our bottled water campaign

Also, a sign-up sheet for tabling next week (Thursday, 11/18 1pm-4pm) was passed around, if you want to table and weren't at the meeting to sign up, shoot us an email! If you can't table and would like to bake some treats to help lure people over, that would be much appreciated also!

For next week, we will be meeting on Wednesday at 7 so that people who want to see a screening of Food Inc. in KCB at 7 on Thursday can do so.

Finally, we contributed to Oceana's petition for clean energy and made hand turkeys =)

Have a great weekend!


Film screening Wed. Year book photo Thursday

Hi all,

If you are looking for something to do tomorrow night (wed. 11.10) please see the link below for a cool film screening.

We will be meeting on Thursday night at 7.  Sorry if anyone didn't receive our email about the meeting change on time.  We've been having some issues with our Gmail.  There will be a yearbook photo this week so please make sure you get to the meeting on time if you want to be in the photo. 

This week we will be doing a lot of things that everyone can get involved with and we will be breaking into small groups to work on them.  There are only four meetings left in the semester so I want to make the most of them! Please bring your water/bottle caps so that we can start making pledge buttons.  E-board positions are available for the spring so please make sure you make it to the meeting if you are interested.  See you Thursday!



3rd and 4th installment of the Energy Lecture Series

Hi ESO-ers! below I've attached some info about a series of lectures (the first and second have already passed) that you all should try to get to! Be sure to RSVP with pardee@bu.edu if you want to attend!

Sawyer Seminar Series on Energy Transitions and Society:

The Pardee Center and the Department of Geography and Environment are pleased to invite you to the Sawyer Series on Energy Transitions and Society. The Seminar will meet once each month during the 2010-2011 academic year to discuss how energy transitions are themselves socially constituted and how they have, and are likely to, impact society.

The Pardee Center and the Department of Geography and Environment are pleased to invite you to the the third meeting of the Sawyer Series on Energy Transitions and Society. Please share the event details with those interested and encourage them to RVSP at pardee@bu.edu 

Joan Martinez-Alier (Economics and Economic History, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Paul Epstein (Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard University Medical School)
James McCann (History, Boston University)

Date:  Monday, Novemeber 8,  2010
Time: 10.00AM - 12.30PM
Place: Room 412, School of Management building (595 Commonwealth Avenue), Boston University

Seating is limited. To register, please send an email to pardee@bu.edu by Friday, November 5, 2010.

For further details, please go to: